There is, however, a hidden meaning to the entire text. The book of the law is by definition beyond reason. You are certainly able to attempt to study the book by various means gematria, linguistically, theologically etc but you wont reach the core, true meaning of this work by any of these means. This is crowley s revelation, and it shaped everything he did after receiving it. The commentaries, old, new, and derivative, on the book of the law, liber al vel legis, featuring a holograph comparison, notes from numerous editors through time, and the consolidation of the qabalistic appendix which had been intended from the first by the beast. It was during three performances of ritual magic at. In an even stricter sense, it is someone who accepts or adheres to the book of the law which includes the aforementioned law, however interpreted. Can someone explain the comment in the book of the law. The above is an extremely crude attempt to explain a system which reconciles all existing schools of philosophy. This that thou writest is the threefold book of law. Crowley said he wrote the book of the law on 8, 9 and 10 april 1904, between the hours of noon and 1. Just weeks after performing mystical rites in the kings chamber of the great pyramid of cheops, aleister crowley received the book of the law. The unveiling is the proclamation of the truth previously explained, that the. A beginners guide to crowley books aleister crowley youtube.
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